Luka Zotti è un artista musicale e creativo che fonde armoniosamente il potere della musica con una profonda sensibilità spirituale. Compositore e produttore di numerosi album, Luka è noto per le sue sonorità uniche, che intrecciano ambient e world music, creando atmosfere suggestive e rilassanti. The lyrics of his songs are sung in different languages, including Italian, English, Spanish and French, in order to spread his message to more cultures.
His compositions, ispirate dalla natura e dai suoi ritmi, trasportano l’ascoltatore in dimensioni superiori dell’essere, guidandolo verso uno stato di pace interiore.
Luka's multidisciplinary training, which includes music, Yoga and art, has given rise to a series of projects for spiritual elevation. He organized meditative concerts and sessions sound healing, as well as leading seminars, yoga lessons and retreats accompanied by his music. Furthermore, he has held art workshops, music and yoga, which have allowed many people to experience a deeper connection with themselves through these different disciplines.
Oltre alla sua carriera musicale, Luka è un abile artigiano. Ha progettato e realizzato a mano una gamma di eco-strumenti musicali unici, vere opere d’arte che combinano chitarra, MIDI keyboard and sound generators, permettendo la creazione di una varietà di suoni contemporaneamente. Questi strumenti innovativi sono stati celebrati su prestigiose riviste di musica e arte, tra cui il Virginia Tech Studio Collective, the official journal of design of Virginia (USA), Musical Instruments, The Print, The Day, Classic Rock Lifestyle, Sounds and Instruments and ArtNews.
Utilizzati da Luka nelle sue esibizioni dal vivo, questi strumenti si affiancano a handpan, voice, harmonium e altri strumenti, arricchendo le sue performance con un tocco unico e personale. Il progetto artistico di Luka va ben oltre la semplice performance musicale: i suoi concerti meditativi e workshop offrono esperienze immersive that fuse musica e spiritualità, permettendo ai partecipanti di entrare in profonda connessione con se stessi.
Nel corso della sua carriera, Luka ha collaborato con esperti del settore come Lucia Giovannini, Daniel Lumera, Franco Berrino, e molti altri. As a painter, ha esposto in numerose mostre collettive e personali, sia in Italia che all’estero.
Luka si è esibito in vari eventi, dai centri yoga ai festival e club, in Italia e in tutta Europa, toccando paesi come Irlanda, Switzerland, Scotland, Austria and Spain. La sua musica, ampiamente utilizzata in contesti olistici e spirituali, arricchisce sessioni di yoga, meditazioni guidate e corsi di crescita personale. Le sue composizioni hanno accompagnato presentazioni di libri di autori di fama mondiale come Louise Hay e sono state scelte come colonna sonora del film “Pole Pole” di Thomas Torelli.
Le sue opere musicali sono state trasmesse su numerose radio, inclusa Radio Monte Carlo, continuando a risuonare nel cuore e nella mente degli ascoltatori.
Luka Zotti continues to pursue his mission of spreading spiritual harmony through his music, his teaching and his art. His dedication to these disciplines and his ability to integrate them have made Luka an inspirational figure in the field of spiritual music and inner well-being.
Dopo aver collaborato con vari gruppi come frontman ed aver realizzato diversi album sperimentali tra rock, ambient and psychedelia, in 2007 he started a solo career with the album Colori eMotivi. In 2014 goes out Forgotten Dream which is followed in the 2015 with Chillout Experience Vol.1 and Spiritual Meditations. In 2016 Chillout Experience Vol 2 was presented as national released on Radio Monte Carlo and with a showcase plus action painting on the Smeraldo Theatre stage at Eataly Milano.. In the same year it comes out Zhen, in 2017 Ambient Experience Vol. 1, in 2018 Echoes of Colors and Atomosfere. In March 2020 the album “Anima”, in 2021 “Light”, in 2022 “Starlight” and in the 2023 “Shine On”.
He also creates Artworks Designlike the Guitar Lamps, acoustic guitars artistically transformed into lamps, the Musical Mirrors, handmade mirrors designed with built-in music players, speakers and lights.
This artistic sensibility allows Luka to create music and performances where different art forms can merge, communicate, and interact between them.
Luka si diploma in Musica presso la “Civica Scuola di Musica – Polo delle Arti” di Desio (Milan) con una tesi sulla sonorizzazione di film muti e consegue la qualifica di “Istruttore Yoga” con la tesi “Yoga & Music". Possiede inoltre un diploma di “Master of Arts” rilasciato dall’ “Istituto Statale d’Arte” di Cantù (Como).
They have spoken: Red Ronnie, The print, Radio Monte Carlo, artnews, the day, Musical Instruments, the Corriere della Sera, radio Italy, blogmusic, all, more rare, the Tyrrhenian, the wild pile..
They say about him:
“Luka also came up with an instrument that combines guitar, keyboard and other sounds, il Tree Pad Key Guitar. He is also a handpan player, angelic sounding percussion.”
(Red Ronnie, journalist, music critic, television host and radio host)
“Luka Zotti produces music that goes directly to the heart, a decidedly creative and original musician. Creativity requires inspiration, which comes from the soul, and he dialogues with his soul ... That's why Luka is able to create so deeply involving harmonies, it is as if he gently took your hand and took you to the garden of your inner world.
Luka also harmoniously combines his “make soul music” with practice it is the teaching of yoga. Even in conducting his lessons and workshops, his style is unmistakable: delicacy, kindness and harmony in proposing the practice ... and then taking you naturally to your inner garden where you can meet who you really are. "
(Luisa Azzerboni, yoga teacher and researcher)
“multi-instrumentalist musician, but also a painter, luthier and craftsman, Luka Zotti explored with the telescope of the curious anthropologist and the adventurer without prejudice, to then be able to combine individual results under a single aesthetic leitmotiv, towards authentic frontier expressiveness.”
(Radio Monte Carlo Web)
“Zotti like Archimede, singer and guitarist from Como, he is also a painter and invents tools that do not exist. In addition to music, he cultivates other forms of art, the desire to move in other fields has led him to try his hand with brushes and to create personalized musical instruments such as the Tree Pad Key Guitar which includes guitar, keyboard, percussion and effects”
(The Print, Alexandria)
“Avant-garde guitarist, Luka Zotti is always able to descend into very particular atmospheres and interesting proposals”
(Alessandro Casellato, Journalist)